Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If I was invisible

If I was invisible
If you where invisible what would you do use it for good or evil. If I was invisible what would you do I could use it to prank you or help you. I know what I would do but there is many of thing like to do but one thing is play football. When no one can see me I will be unstoppable on the grid iron. On the opening kick off they would kick it to my team mate then he would have a secret blocker he just about to get tackled then pop the tackler gets knocked of the ball carrier. If by some how he got tackled he would be on offense then run play like a pass the quarter back would have all day to throw that ball or I could go for a pass and catch the ball and every one would be looking around and saying "where's the ball?" It would be funny to pick some one up when they thing there about to tackle my team mate. Now for the run play if it was a run up the middle there would be two people up the middle then I would get the ball and run to the out side where no one is and score a touchdown. When a run to the out side I would run the other way to trick the other team into thinking I went that way. Trick play I could be a run then I give the back to the QB he throw to the open man in the end zone touchdown.Then try the same play but not throw fake that then run it for another touchdown. Half time it coming up.

It is now are turn to kick the ball the pressure builds up as they opposite team waits for the ball to not know that I'm right be side him waiting to tackle him. Boom the kick is off he catch the ball then I tackle them on there on ten yard line. Defense now that is some thing else I would be on the other side of ball as soon as he say "hut,hut" I tackle him. The next play is a pass I now because I was listening to the play as the quarter back gets the snap then as he is about to throw all you hear is "Fumble!" I had striped the ball away from him and scored a touchdown. The crowed goes wild they don't know what happened but they are still happy. That is the end of the football game my team won will skill, honour, pride, and invisible player helping out the team. Next time I will make a team lose a game well what do you know the next game is about to stat time to have some more fun first play take the ball away from the running back and give it to the defense look they scored. Well the team is up so my work is done for now. That is just one of the many things I would do if I was invisible, what would you do if you where invisible?


  1. I like how you ask quetions to the reader how they would use it and goes in depth of one thing. Only problem is that you should try to go with more then one idea other then that I would give it a solid 4/5 great job.

  2. I really liked it, the starting sentence, great. the ideas were good too, just next time you might want to have more than one to make it a little more interesting. 4/5
