Monday, June 7, 2010

cowboy boots

Hi there, my name is Vince and to be honest I have the latest and greatest most insane, ballistic and amazing contraption for you today. Since we can make you godly when you wear our cowboy boots, we can make you better than god we can make you chuck Norris! We can even custom fit them so they perfectly fit your tough shapes feet. Why are they so amazing? Well our cowboy boots happen to be very godly, and make you look like a tough cowboy, or maybe Chuck Norris.
Why should you wear our boots? If you like chuck Norris and hot ladies it will all be yours if you buy are walking a heaven cowboy boots. Oddly not many people know why chuck Norris is so popular is because he started wear are cow boy boots, then he became a chick magnet. How they're fantastic? Well it became fantastic when celebrities Brad Pitt, and tough guys like Britney Spears started wearing our product, it became very popular in Hollywood.
Our shoes are priced at a very low price of 19.95, but if you call now we will throw in a horse and a round house kick to the face absolutely free! So you’re getting a pair of genuine leather boots, a horse and a kick to the face all for 19.95. If you have bought more than one item from our company we will throw in a slap chop and a sham wow all for free.Priceless deal can be yours call now 11-800-cow-Chuck-Norris.

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